1. Explosive erosion during the Phoenix landing exposes subsurface water on Mars
2. Jet-Induced Cratering of a Granular Surface with Application to Lunar Spaceports
3. Proceedings of Earth and Space 2010 12th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments Honolulu HI Mar. 14-17 2010 Proceedings of Earth and Space 2010 12th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments P.T. Metzger John E. Lane C.D. Immer J.N. Gamsky W. Hauslein Xiaoyi Li R.C. Latta C.M. Donahue Scaling of Erosion Rate in Subsonic Jet Experiments and Apollo Lunar Module Landings 2010
4. Powders & Grains 2009 conference Golden Colorado July 13-17 2009 Powders & Grains 2009 conference Philip T. Metzger Robert C. Latta Jason M. Schuler Christopher D. Immer Craters Formed in Granular Beds by Impinging Jets of Gas 2009