1. Groups of waves in shallow water
2. Gimenez M.H. and Sanchez-Carratala C.R. (1997). "Influence of false waves in the determination of wave energy propagation near the coast." Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions. COASTAL 97 J.R. Acinas and C.A. Brebbia eds. La Coruna Spain 283-291.
3. Analysis of false waves in numerical sea simulations
4. Gimenez M.H. Sanchez-Carratala C.R. and Salinas I. (1999). "Influence of wave discretization criterion on wave grouping characteristics." Proc. 1st International MEDCOAST Conference on Wind and Wave Climate of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Antalya Turkey (submitted).