1. Alikhani A. Tomasicchio R. and Juhl J. Berm Breakwater Trunk Exposed to Oblique Waves to be published in Proc. 25th ICCE Orlando USA 1996.
2. Burcharth H.F. Prigaard P. On 3-Dimensional Stability of Reshaping Breakwaters Proc. 21th ICCE Malaga Spain 1988.
3. CIRIA/CUR Manual on the Use of Rock in Coastal and Shoreline Engineering Published jointly by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association in the UK and the Centre for Civil Engineering Research Codes and Specifications in the Netherlands 1991.
4. Lamberti A. Tomasicchio G.R. Stone Mobility and Abrasion on Reshaping Breakwaters to be published in Coastal Engineering 1996.