1. Assumed strain stabilization of the eight node hexahedral element
2. Bazant Z. P. (1975). Theory of creep and shrinkage in concrete structures Reprinted from Mechanics Today Vol. 2 Pergamon Press Chapt. I pp. 1-93 Northwestern University Evanston Illinois.
3. Betten J. (2008). Creep Mechanics ISBN-10: 3540850503 ISBN-13: 978-3540850502 Auflage: 3rd ed.
4. Chen W.F. (1982). Plasticity in Reinforcement Concrete. McGraw-Hill New York.
5. CEB-FIP (2010). Model code for concrete structures first draft Bulletin d' information No. 195 Comite-Euro-International Du Beton-Federation Internationale De La Precontrainte Paris.