1. Alavi S. Jeffrey L. and Michael T. (2008). "Falling Weight Deflectometer Usage A Synthesis of Highway Practice NCHRP Synthesis 381". National Cooperative Highway Research Program Whashington DC.
2. Ahmed M. U. (2010). "Evaluation of FWD Software and Deflection Basin for Airport Pavements". PhD dissertation the University of New Mexico.
3. Brill D. (2009). "FAA Backcalculation Software BAKFAA with LEAF". VI ALACPA Airport Pavements Seminar & IV FAA Workshop.
4. Ellis T. B. (2008). "Comparison of Nondestructive Testing Backcalculation Techniques for Rigid and Flexible Pavements". PhD thesis University of Arkansas.
5. EVERSERIES© USER'S GUIDE Pavement Analysis Computer Software and Case Studies.