1. Boussinesq M.J. (1885) Application Des Potentiels a l'Etude de l'Equilibre et du mouvement Des Solides Elastiques.
2. Braja M. Das (2008) Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 rd edition. Publisher Taylor & Frances Group; P: 144.
3. Donald P. Coduto (2001) Foundation Design "Principles and Practices" second edition. Publisher Prentice-Hall Inc.; P: 155.
4. Egyptian Code of Practice Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations (ECP2001) Part (3) Shallow Foundations P: 10-20.
5. Joseph E. Bowels (1997) Handbook of Foundation Analysis and Design 5 th edition (international edition). Publisher Mc-Graw-Hill companies Inc.; P: 406.