1. Evaluation of in situ testing methods for high-amplitude, dynamic property determination. Final report
2. Dynamic In Situ Geotechnical Testing Inc. (1995). “Prototype Simplified In Situ Geotechnical Torsional Cylindrical Impulse Shear Testing System.” Rep. prepared for FHWA .
3. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. (1990). “Loma Prieta Earthquake Reconnaissance Report.” Earthquake Spectra Supp. to Vol. 6.
4. Henke R. and Henke W. (1985). “In Situ Testing Method for Obtaining Cyclic and Dynamic Soil Properties.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engrg. on board Queen Elizabeth 2 New York to Southampton.
5. Henke R. and Henke W. (1986). “Method and Apparatus for Testing Soil ” U.S. Patent No . 4 594 899. Foreign patents also exist.