1. Bell J. C. Blandon and J. Restrepo "Seismic Testing of Existing Full-Scale Pile to Deck Connections: Precast Prestressed and Steel Pile" Structural Systems Research Project UCSD January 2008.
2. Blandon C.A. Seismic Analysis and Design of Pile Supported Wharves Ph.D. Thesis European School for Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk Rose School October 2007.
3. Earth Mechanics Inc. (EMI) Port-Wide Ground Motion Study Port of Long Beach California Prepared for the Port of Long Beach August 7 2006
4. Earth Mechanics Inc. (EMI) Port-Wide Ground Motion Study Port of Long Beach California Addendum to Final Report Prepared for the Port of Long Beach August 15 2008
5. Earth Mechanics Inc. (EMI) Geotechnical Site Characterization Pier E Redevelopment Project Port of Long Beach California March 2010a.