1. EPA (2005). "User's Guide for the Final NONROAD2005 Model " EPA-420-R-05-013 U.S. Environmental Protections Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality Ann Arbor MI.
2. EPA (2008). "Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Key Industrial Sectors in the United States (Working Draft) " US Environmental Protection Agency Sector Strategies Program Washington D.C.
3. EPA (2010a). "Exhaust and Crankcase Emissions Factors for Nonroad Engine Modeling - Compression Ignition " EPA-420-R-10-018 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality Ann Arbor MI.
4. EPA (2010b). "Median Life Annual Activity and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling " EPA-420-R-10-016 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality Ann Arbor MI.