1. F.E. Stetler "Accelerating Leak Rate in Ductile Cast Iron Water Mains Yields to Cathodic Protection" MATERIALS PERFORMANCE Vol. 19 No. 10 October 1980 NACE International Houston TX.
2. R.A. Gummow "The Corrosion of Municipal Iron Watermains" MATERIALS PERFORMANCE Vol. 32 No. 3 March 1983 NACE International Houston TX.
3. J.A. Jakobs and F.W. Hewes "Underground Corrosion of Water Pipes in Calgary Canada" MATERIALS PERFORMANCE Vol. 26 No. 5 May 1987 NACE International Houston TX.
4. B.J. Doherty "Controlling Ductile-Iron Water Main Corrosion" MATERIALS PERFORMANCE Vol. 29 No. 1 January 1990 NACE International Houston TX.
5. M.J. Szeliga "Corrosion Failures in the Water Industry" AWWA Chesapeake Annual Conference August 1990 American Water Works Association Denver CO.