1. Abbott M. B. (1979). Computational hydraulics . Ashgate Publishing Co. Aldershot U.K. and Brookfield U.S.A.
2. Abbott M. B. (1991). Hydroinformatics: advanced information technology and the aquatic environment . Ashgate Publishing Co. Aldershot U.K. and Brookfield U.S.A.
3. The electronic encapsulation of knowledge in hydraulics, hydrology and water resources
4. Abbott M. B. (1994). “The question concerning ethics or: the metamorphosis of the object.” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics A. A. Balkema Rotterdam The Netherlands.
5. Abbott M. B. (1996). “The sociotechnical dimension of hydroinformatics.” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics A. A. Balkema Rotterdam The Netherlands.