1. Dill E. H. and Pister K. S. “Vibration of Rectangular Plates and Plate Systems ” Proceedings of the Third U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics 1958.
2. Eigenfrequencies of Continuous Plates With Arbitrary Number of Equal Spans
3. Hayashi Y. and Kawai T. “On Vibrations of Continuous Plate ” 15th Structures Structural Dynamics and Material Conference 25–28 1978 (in Japanese).
4. Kurata M. “On Vibration of Continuous Rectangular Plates ” Proceedings of the First Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics 1951.
5. Qin B. S. “Calculation of Continuous Plates and Study on Their Properties Under the Harmonic Disturbing Force ” thesis presented to Tonji University China in 1965 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduate degree.