1. American National Standard A58.1 Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures National Standards Institute New York N.Y. 1972.
2. ANSI/ASTM E330—70 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windorvs Curtain Walls and Doors Under the Influence of Wind Loads 1978 Annual Book of ASTM Standards American Society for Testing and Materials Philadelphia Pa. 1978.
3. Glass Failure Prediction Model
4. Gtoss and Uniform Loads LOF Technical Information ATS‐108 File #1—Strength of Glass Toledo Ohio Apr. 30 1979.
5. Krall W. R. et al. “The Behavior of Float Glass Under Uniform Wind Loading ” Proceedings 4th U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering Research Department of Civil Engineering University of Washington Seattle Wash. 1981.