1. American Public Health Association American Water Works Association Water Pollution Control Federation Standard Methods for the Examination Water and Wastewater 15th Edition American Public Health Association Washington D.C. 1980 #209E G.
2. “Ash Utilization ” Proceedings of the Third Ash Utilization Symposium Pittsburgh Pa. Mar. 13–14 1973 Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8640 Bureau of Mines 1974.
3. Cahoon H. P. and Cutler J. B. “Feasibility of Making Insulation Material by Foaming Waste Glass ” Proceedings of the Third Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium U.S. Bureau of Mines and IIT Research Institute Mar. 14–16 1972 pp. 353–357.
4. Uses of waste materials and by-products in construction. Part I
5. Uses of waste materials and by-products in construction. Part II