1. Numerical Modeling of Two‐Dimensional Transient Flow to Ditches
2. Bear J. (1972). Dynamics of fluids in porous media . Elsevier New York N.Y.
3. Bittinger M. W. Danielson R. E. Evans N. A. Hart W. E. Morel-Seytoux H. J. and Skinner M. M. (1979). “Impact of irrigation efficiency improvements on water availability in the South Platte River Basin.” Tech. Rep. No. 13 Colorado Water Resour. Res. Inst. Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins Colo.
4. Bouwer H. (1964). “Limitation of the Dupuit-Forcheimer assumption in recharge and seepage.” Paper No. 64-719 Presented at the Winter Meeting of ASAE at New Orleans La.
5. Modeling groundwater flow over sloping beds