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2. Fu G. and Moses F. (1986). “Application of lifetime system reliability.” Preprint No. 52‐1 ASCE Structures Congress '86 ASCE New York N.Y.
3. Fu G. and Moses F. (1987a). “Lifetime system reliability models with application to highway bridges.” Reliability and Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering Proc. ICASP5 N. C. Lind ed. Vancouver Canada 71–78.
4. Fu G. and Moses F. (1987b). “A sampling distribution for system reliability assessment.” IFIP 1st Working Conf. on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems Aalborg Denmark 141–155.
5. Fu G. and Moses F. (1988). “Importance sampling in structural system reliability.” Proc. the 5th ASCE Specialty Conf. Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering ASCE New York N.Y. 340–343.