1. Abou‐Seida M. M. “Bed Load Functions Due to Wave Action ” Report HEL‐2‐11 Hydraulic Engineering Laboratories Univ. of California Berkeley CA 1965.
2. Carstens M. R. Neilson R. M. and Altinbilek H. D. “Bed Forms Generated in the Laboratory under an Oscillatory Flow: Analytical and Experimental Study ” Technical Memorandum No. 28 US Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Engineering Research Center 1969.
3. Einstein H. A. and Chien N. “Effects of Heavy Sediment Concentration near the Bed on Velocity and Sediment Distribution ” MRD Series No. 8 Univ. of California Institute of Engineering Research and United States Army Engineering Division Missouri River Corps of Engineers Omaha NE Aug. 1955.
4. Movement of beach sands by water waves
5. The Mechanics of Suspended Sediment due to Standing Waves