1. REID R. 0. and C. L . BRETSCHNEIDER "Surface Waves and Offshore Structures: The Design Wave iK Deep or Shallow Water Storm Tide and Forces on Vertical Piling and Large Submerged Object " Technical Report Texas A & M Research Foundation October 19 53 36 pages.
2. REID R. 0. and B. W. WILSON "Compendium of Results of Storm Tide and Wave Analysis for Full Hurricane Conditions at Freeport Texas " unpublished Technical Report Texas A & M Research Foundtion Rference 54-64F College Station Texas Dec. 1954 45 pp.
3. BRETSCHNEIDER C. L.; "Generation of Wind Waves Over a Shallow Bottom " Beach Erosion Board Technical Memorandum No 51 US Corps of Engineers Oct. 1954 24 pp. · ' • •
4. SVERDNUP H. U. and W. H. MUNK "Wind Sea and Sw 11 · Th . . e . eory o f
5. Relatwnsh 1ps for Forecasting " H. 0. Pub. No. 601 us N