1. "Shore Protection Planning and Design " Tech. Rept. No. 4 Beach Erosion Board Corps of Engineers U.S. Dept. of the Army 1954 page 89.
2. New Designs of Breakwaters and Seawalls with Special Referenceso Slope Protection," by W. F. Van Asbeck, H. A. Ferguson, and H. J. Schoemaker, XVIll International Association of Navigation Congress;Rome,1953
3. "Wave Run-up on Sloping Structures " by Kenneth N. Granthem Trans. American Geophysical Union v. 34 n. 5 1953 pp. 720-724.
4. "Experimental Study of Wave Overtopping on Shore Structures" by T. Saville Jr. and J. M. Caldwell Proc. Minnesota International Hydraulics Convention International Association for Hydraulic Research 1953.
5. "Data on Wave Run-up and Overtopping of Shore Structures" by T. Saville Jr. . Tech. Memo. No. 64 Beach Erosion Board 1955.