1. Adams T.E. and Filz G.M. (2007). "Technical memorandum: stability analyses of the P24 levee " Report prepared for the New Orleans District US Army Corps of Engineers. 17 pages plus appendices.
2. Adams T.E. Filz G.M. and Navin M.P. (2009). "Stability of embankments and levees on deep-mixed foundations." Proc. Int. Symp. Deep Mixing & Admixture Stabilization Okinawa in press
3. CDIT (Coastal Development Institute of Technology). (2002). "The deep mixing method: principle design and construction." A.A. Balkema Lisse The Netherlands.
4. Factors of Safety and Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering
5. Filz G.M. (2009). "Design of Deep Mixing Support for Embankments and Levees " Proc. Int. Symp. Deep Mixing & Admixture Stabilization Okinawa on CDROM 23 p.