1. Helmer Jim and Jim Gough (March 2010) Best Practices in Sustainable Transportation; ITE Journal.
2. Roundabouts - Technical Summary FHWA-SA-10-006; FHWA.~
3. Rodegerts L. M. Blogg E. Wemple E. Meyers M. Kite M. Dixon G. List A. Flannery R. Troutbeck W. Brilon N. Wu B. Persaud C. Lyon D. Harkey D. Carter Roundabouts in the United States National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 572 Transportation Research Board National Academies of Science Washington DC 2007.~
4. Ariniello Alex J. (December 2004) Are Roundabouts Good For Business? TRB National Roundabout Conference May 2005. ~
5. Hughes Ronald G. et.al. NCHRP 03-78A Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities Transportation Research Board National Academies of Science Washington DC Work in Progress estimated publication 2010.~