1. Bilello M. A. “Water Temperatures in a Shallow Lake During Ice Formation Growth and Decay ” Research Report 213 Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Hanover N.H. 1967.
2. Chieh S. H. “Development of an Ice Transport Simulation Model for the Ice Regime of Lake Erie ” dissertation presented to the State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo N.Y. in 1981 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
3. Mechanical Behavior of Compacted Arctic Ice Floes
4. DeWitt B. H. Kahlbaum D. F. Wartha J. and Baker D. G. “Summary of Great Lakes Weather and Ice Conditions Winter 1978–79 ” NOAA Technical Memorandom ERL GLERL‐31 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Ann Arbor Mich. Aug. 1980.
5. A Dynamic Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model