1. Blair A. W. and Reddell D. (1983). “Evaluation of empirical infiltration equations for blocked furrow infiltrometers.” ASAE Paper No. 83‐2521; American Society of Agricultural Engineers St. Joseph Mich.
2. Blair A. W. Smerdon E. T. and Rutledge J. (1984). “An infiltration model for surge flow irrigation.” ASCE Irrig. and Drain. Specialty Conf. Proc. Flagstaff Ariz. 691–700.
3. Blair A. W. and Smerdon E. T. (1985). “Evaluation of empirical equations describing the effect of wetted perimeter on infiltration in furrows.” ASCE Irrig. and Drain. Specialty Conf. Proc. San Antonio Texas.
4. Blair A. W. (1985). “Modeling infiltration and hydrodynamic effects on surge flow surface irrigation ” dissertation presented to the University of Texas at Austin Tex in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
5. Clemmens A. J. (1983). “Infiltration equations for border irrigation.” Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Advances in Infiltration . American Society of Agricultural Engineers 266–274.