1. Allen R. G. “Optimizing Irrigation System Design ” Technical Research Completion Report Idaho Water and Energy Resources Research Institute Univ. of Idaho Moscow Idaho 1984 280 p.
2. Allen R. G. and Wright J. L. “Variation within Actual and Estimated Consumptive Use Requirements ” Proceedings of the 1983 Irrigation Specialty Conference ASCE Jackson Wy. July 21–23 1983 pp. 1–12.
3. Ames Irrigation Handbook Irrigation Handbook for Irrigation Engineers W. R. Ames Co. Fifth ed. 1979.
4. ASAE “Design and Installation of Surface Irrigation Reuse Systems ” Engineering Practice Recommended by SW‐242 Surface Irrigation Committee of ASAE 1980.
5. Bondurant J. A. “Differential Furrow Compaction to Decrease Infiltration and Increase Irrigation Application Uniformity ” 1982 Annual Report of the USDA Snake River Conservation Research Center Kimberly Idaho 1982.