1. Model of Soil Salinity Effects on Crop Growth
2. Clark R. N. and Finley W. W. “Sprinkler Evaporation Losses in the Southern Plains ” presented at the Dec. 15–18 1975 Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Chicago Ill. (Paper No. 75‐2573).
3. Doorenbos J. and Kassam A. H. “Yield Response to Water ” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Irrigation and Drainage Paper 33 Rome 1979.
4. Garrity D. P. “Moisture Deficits and Grain Sorghum Performance Limited Irrigation Strategies Evapotranspiration Relationships Stress Conditioning and Physiological Responses ” thesis presented to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Neb. in 1980 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
5. Gilley J. R. Martin D. L. and Splinter W. E. “Application of a Simulation Model of Corn Growth to Irrigation Management Decisions ” Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources D. Yaron and C. Topiero eds. North Holland Pub. Co. New York N.Y. 1980 pp. 485–500.