1. The law of vulcanized rubber friction
2. Buckle I. G. (1986). “Development and application of base isolation and passive energy dissipation; A world overview.” ATC Proc. Seminar and Workshop on Base Isolation and Passive Energy Dissipation San Francisco Calif. 153–174.
3. Stochastic seismic sliding of rigid mass supported through non-symmetric friction
4. Frictional characteristics of Teflon–steel interfaces under dynamic conditions
5. Fan F. G. Ahmadi G. and Tadjbakhsh I. G. (1988). “Base isolation of a multistory building under harmonic ground motion—A comparison of performances of various systems.” Tech. Rept. NCEER‐88‐0010 Nat. Ctr. for Earthquake Engrg. Res. State Univ. of New York at Buffalo Buffalo N.Y. May.