1. Engineer, ArupSport, 8th Floor, St James’s Buildings, Oxford St., Manchester M1 6EL, U.K. (corresponding author). E-mail: rob.harrison@arup.com
2. Senior Engineer, Global Engine Development (UK), Perkins Engines Company Ltd., Peterbrough PE1 5NA, U.K. E-mail: yao_shiping@perkins.com
3. Emeritus Professor of Engineering, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The Univ. of Manchester, P.O. Box 88, Sackville St., Manchester M60 1QD, U.K. E-mail: jan.wright@manchester.ac.uk
4. Professor of Vibration Engineering and EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Univ. of Sheffield, Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Mappin St., Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. E-mail: a.pavic@sheffield.ac.uk
5. Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Univ. of Sheffield, Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Mappin St., Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. E-mail: p.reynolds@sheffield.ac.uk