1. Alexander J. P. (1978). “Frequency equivalent volume hydrographs in Kansas ” MS thesis Civ. Engrg. Dept. Univ. of Kansas Lawrence Kan.
2. Berry M. G. (1972). “Appraisal of the two year return interval flood in Kansas utilizing a modified rational formula ” MS thesis Civ. Engrg. Dept. Univ. of Kansas Lawrence Kan.
3. Black L. D. (1970). “A preliminary investigation of new approach to calculating flood frequencies ” MS thesis Civ. Engrg. Dept. Univ. of Kansas Lawrence Kan.
4. Chow V. T. (1962). “Hydrograph determination of waterway areas for the design of drainage structures in small drainage basins.” Engrg. Experiment Station Bull. No. 462 Univ. of Illinois Champaign Ill.
5. Larson K. E. (1973). “Calculating flood frequencies utilizing rainfall frequencies and nonlinear hydrographs ” MS thesis Civ. Engrg. Dept. Univ. of Kansas Lawrence Kan.