1. Castro G. “Liquefaction of Sands ” Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 81 Cambridge Mass. 1969.
2. De Alba P. Chan C. K. and Seed H. B. “Determination of Soil Liquefaction Characteristics by Large‐Scale Laboratory Tests ” Report No. EERC 75‐14 Earthquake Engineering Research Center Univ. of California Berkeley May 1975.
3. Dikmen S. U. “Seismic Response and Liquefaction of Saturated Sands ” thesis presented to the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign Urbana Ill. in 1980 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
4. Edil T. B. and Luh G. “Dynamic Modulus and Damping Relationships for Sands ” Proceedings of the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division Specialty Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Pasadena Calif. 1978.
5. Finn W. D. L. Lee K. W. and Martin G. R. “An Effective Stress Model for Liquefaction ” ASCE Annual Convention and Exposition Philadelphia Pa. 1976.