1. Bierschwale M. W. Coyle H. M. and Bartoskewitz R. E. “Field Tests and New Design Procedure for Laterally Loaded Drilled Shafts in Clay ” Research Report No. 211‐3F Texas Transportation Institute Texas A&M University College Station Tex. Jan. 1981.
2. Bierschwale M. W. Coyle H. M. and Bartoskewitz R. E. “Lateral Load Tests on Drilled Shafts Founded in Clay ” presented at the October 28 1981 Special Session on Drilled Piers and Caissons ASCE National Convention held at St. Louis Mo.
3. Bhushan K. Haley S. C. and Fang P. T. “Lateral Load Tests on Drilled Piers in Stiff Clays ” presented at the April 24–28 1978 ASCE Spring Con vention and Exhibit held at Pittsburgh Pa. (Preprint 3248).
4. Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesive Soils
5. Resistance to Overturning of Single, Short Piles