1. Andersland O. B. Sayles F. H. and Ladanyi B. “Mechanical Properties of Frozen Ground ” Geotechnical Engineering for Cold Regions O. B. Andersland and D. M. Anderson eds. McGraw‐Hill Book Co. New York N.Y. 1978 566 p.
2. Brodskaia A. G. “Compressibility of Frozen Ground ” NTIS No AD715087 U.S. Department of Commerce Washington D.C. 1962 (translated from Russian).
3. Handbook for the Design of Bases and Foundations of Buildings and Other Structures in Permafrost U.S.S.R.—GOSSTROI Moscow National Research Council Canada 1969 Transl. TT 1865 1976.
4. Approximate analysis of structures in the presence of moderately large creep deformations
5. Hult J. A. H. Creep in Engineering Structures Blaisdell Publishing Co. Waltham Mass. 1966.