1. Abghari A. “Centrifuge Modeling of Soil Liquefaction ” thesis presented to the University of California at Davis Calif. in 1982 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
2. Arulanandan K. Canclini J. and Anandarajah A. “Simulation of Earthquake Motions in the Centrifuge ” presented at the ASCE Convention and Exposition held at Atlanta Ga. October 23–25 1979.
3. Arulmoli K. Arulanandan K. and Seed H. B. “A New Method for Evaluating Liquefaction Potential In Situ ” presented at the October 26–31 1981 ASCE National Convention and Exposition held at St. Louis Mo. (Preprint 81–544).
4. Booker J. R. Rahman M. S. and Seed H. B. () “GADFLEA—A Computer Program for the Analysis of Pore Pressure Generation and Dissipation During Cyclic or Earthquake Loading ” Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report No. EERC 76‐24 University of California Berkeley Calif. Oct. 1976.
5. Dobry R. and Grivas D. A. “Stress‐Strain Relation for Soils Under Earthquake Loading Technical Background ” Research Report 78‐2 Department of Civil Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute Troy N.Y. July 1978.