1. Fitzpatrick M. D. Liggins T. B. and Barnett R. H. W. “Ten Years Surveillance of Cethana Dam ” 14th ICOLD Congress 1982 Q. 52 R51.
2. Pinto N. L. Materon B. and Lagos Marques P. “Design and Performance of Foz do Areia Concrete Membrane as Related to Basalt Properties ” 14th ICOLD Congress 1982 Q.55 R.51.
3. Sigvaldason O. T. Benson R. P. Mitchell G. H. and Eichenbaum H. “Analysis of the Alto Anchicaya Dam Using the Finite Element Method ” prepared for presentation at the International Symposium Criteria and Assumptions for Numerical Analysis of Dams Swansea UK Sept. 1975.