1. Bresee B. (1986). “Tofino‐Alberni trilateration.” Report of Field Operation Geodetic Survey Div. Surveys and Mapping Branch of Energy Mines and Resources Canada.
2. Cover C. (1988). “The impact of ionospheric disturbances on GPS data.” Proc. 1988 In‐House R&D Symposium Geodetic Survey of Canada Ottawa Canada.
3. Darnell A. R. and Hawkins L. (1986). “User's guide to GESAR Version 1.0.” Task Number PE63701B/3201 U.S. Defense Mapping Agency.
4. Delikaraoglou D. Steeves R. R. and Beck N. (1986). “Development of a Canadian active control system using GPS.” Proc. Fourth Int. Geodetic Symp. On Satellite Positioning Austin Tex.
5. On the calibration of EDM instruments