1. Pulsed multiwavelength laser ranging system for measuring atmospheric delay
2. Abshire J. B. Friskey J. L. and Fuhr P. L. “Design and Operation of the Airborne Laser Ranging System (ALRS) Computer ” NASA X‐723‐81‐30 Aug. 1981.
3. Bird M. W. Wierenga R. D. and Tencate J. V. “Kalman Filter Design and Performance for an Operational F‐4 LORAN Inertial Weapon Delivery System ” presented at the May 1976 National Aerospace Electronics Conference held in Dayton Ohio.
4. Degnan J. J. “Airborne Laser Ranging System for Precise Geodetic Surveys and Land Control ” Proceedings of the August 9–12 1982 International Symposium on Land Information at the Local Level held at Orono Maine.
5. Engiar T. S. Hammond C. L. and Gibbs B. P. “Covariance Analysis of the Airborne Laser Ranging System ” Business and Technological Systems Inc. BTS‐FR‐81‐143 Feb. 1981.