1. AASHTO guide for design of pavement structures . (1986). American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Washington D.C.
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3. Gorman R. W. (1986). ANSYS PC/LINEAR users manual . Revision 4.2 Swanson Analysis Systems Houston Pa.
4. Hadley W. O. Hudson W. R. and Kennedy T. W. (1970). “A method of estimating tensile properties of materials tested in indirect tension ” Res. Report No. 98‐7 Center for Highway Research University of Texas Austin Tex.
5. Hicks R. G. et al. (1985). “Identification & quantification of the extent of asphalt stripping in flexible pavements in Oregon—Phase II.” Report No. FHWA‐OR‐85‐3 Materials Division Oregon Department of Transportation Salem Oreg.