1. Access Board. (2005). Resources on emergency evacuation and disaster preparedness Access Board ⟨www.access-board.gov/evac.htm⟩. Discusses evacuating people with disabilities.
2. American Red Cross. (2005). “Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?” Frequently Asked Questions ⟨www.redcross.org/faq/0 1096 0_682_4524 00.html⟩.
3. Begley S. (2005). “Man-made mistakes increase devastation of ‘natural’ disasters.” Wall St. J. September B1.
4. Blumenthal R. (2005). “Miles of traffic as Texans heed order to leave.” N.Y. Times ⟨www.nytimes.com/2005/09/23/national/nationalspecial/23storm.html⟩ (September 23 2005).
5. Bosner L. (2005). “Radio Interview ” National Public Radio Sept. 16 2005.