1. “Construction Bulletin C‐11 ” Texas Highway Department Jan. 1964.
2. Creech M. F. “Partial Depth Precast Concrete Patching ” Transportation Research Record 554 Transportation Research Board 1975.
3. Grimsley P. E. and Morris B. G. “An Approach to Concrete Pavement Replacement that Minimizes Disruption to Traffic ” Special Report 153 Transportation Research Board 1975.
4. McCullough B. F. et al. “Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements for Highways ” Research Report 1‐15 National Cooperative Highway Research Program Center for Highway Research The University of Texas at Austin Tex. Aug. 1975.
5. “New Portable Crash Cushion Design ” The Research Reporter No. 8‐77 Transportation Planning Division Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Nov. 1977.