1. Authur D. Little Inc. “A Plan for Development of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities in the New England Region Vol. I II ” prepared for the New England Regional Commission Sept. 1979.
2. A Decision Model for the Regulation of Hazardous Wastes
3. Berman E. B. “A Model for Selecting Sizing and Locating Regional Solid Waste Processing and Disposal Facilities ” Mitre Corp. Bedford Mass. Oct. 1973.
4. Booz‐Allen & Hamilton Inc. Putnam Hayes & Bartlett Inc. “Hazardous Waste Generation and Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Capacity ” EPA SW‐894 Dec. 1980.
5. Environmental Protection Agency “Treatability Manual Volume IV Cost Estimating ” EPA‐600/8‐80‐042d July 1980.