1. Doocy E. S. and Hard A. R. (1979). “Introduction.” Transmission line reference book: wind‐induced conductor motion . Electric Power Res. Inst. Palo Alto Calif.
2. Gopalan T. V. (1986). Influence of electrical loading on conductor self‐damping and dynamic flexural rigidity. CIGRE Report 22‐04 Conférence Internationale des Grands Rèseaux Electriques a Haute Tension Paris France.
3. Guide on conductor self‐damping measurements . (1978). Inst. of Electronic and Electr. Engrs. New York N.Y.
4. Ikegami R. Rawlins C. B. (1979). “Wake‐induced oscillation.” Transmission line reference book: Wind‐induced conductor motion Electric Power Res. Inst. Palo Alto Calif.
5. Ward R. P. (1960). Introduction to electrical engineering . Prentice‐Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs N.J.