1. “Aeolian Vibration of Overhead Lines: A Report on Present Knowledge ” presented in the name of CIGRE Study Committee No. 22 by Working Group 01 in 1970 published by CIGRE 1979.
2. Blevins R. D. “Formulas for Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes ” Ch. 7 Cables and Cable Tresses Van Nostrand & Reinhold New York N.Y.
3. Gopalan T. V. “Natural Frequency of Transmission Line Conductors ” Technical Report No. 111 Central Power Research Institute Bangalore India 1983.
4. Gopalan T. V. “Influence of Electrical Loading of Conductors on Self Damping and Dynamic Flexural Rigidity ” CIGRE Report No. 22–04 Aug. 27–Sep. 4 1986.