1. AASHTO manual for bridge maintenance . (1976). American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Washington D.C.
2. Albrecht P. (1986). Review of fatigue design methods for highway bridges . Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Univ. of Maryland College Park Md.
3. “America's highway—Accelerating the search for innovative bridges.” (1984). Special Report 202 Transp. Res. Board Washington D.C.
4. Amos R. and GangaRao H. V. S. (1976). “Steel bridge systems.” WVDOH Interim Report 5 West Virginia DOH Project 50 Civ. Engrg. Dept. West Virginia Univ. Morgantown W. V.
5. Anderson A. R. (1972). “Systems concepts for precast and prestressed concrete bridge construction.” HRB Special Report 132 Washington D.C. 9–21.