1. Abramson H. N. “The Dynamic Behavior of Liquid in Moving Containers ” NASA SP‐106 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington DC 1966.
2. Bauer H. F. Hsu T. M. and Wang J. T. S. “Liquid Sloshing in Elastic Containers ” NASA CR 882 Sept. 1967.
3. Chen P. C. and Barker R. B. “Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks to Earthquakes ” International Symposium on Earthquake Structural Engineering St. Louis MO Aug. 1976.
4. Fuel sloshing in a spherical tank filled to an arbitrary depth
5. Clough D. P. “Experimental Evaluation of Seismic Design Methods for Broad Cylindrical Tanks ” Report No. UC/EERC 77‐10 Univ. of California Earthquake Engineering Research Center May 1977.