1. AISC “Specification for the Design Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings ” AISC New York N.Y. 1978.
2. Cheong‐Siat‐Moy F. “Results of Recent Frame Stability Studies with Reference to AS 1250 Code Provisions ” Proceedings 2nd Conference on Steel Development Australian Institute of Steel Construction Melbourne Australia May 1977.
3. Cheong‐Siat‐Moy F. “Control of Deflections in Unbraced Steel Frames ” Proceedings Institute of Civil Engineering Part 2 Paper No. 7718 London U.K. Dec. 1974 pp. 619–634.
4. CSA “Steel Structures for Buildings ” Canadian Standards Association Standard S16‐1969 CSA Rexdale Ontario Canada 1969.
5. Johnston B. G. Ed. “SSRC Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures ” 3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons New York N.Y. 1976.