1. “Excerpts from Standard specifications for highway bridges relating to seismic design 13th Ed. 1983.” (1985). Adopted by Am. Assoc. of State Highway Transp. Officials revisions by California Dept. of Transp. Div. of Struct. Sacramento Calif.
2. ACI Detailing Manual 1980 . (1980). Publication SP‐66 Am. Concrete Inst. Detroit Mich. 117–165.
3. Annual Book of ASTM Standards . (1982). Part 4 ASTM A603‐70 (Reapprovoed 1980) “Zinc‐coated steel structural wire rope.” Am. Soc. of Testing and Materials Philadelphia Penn. A600‐A603.
4. Applied Technology Council. (1983). “Seismic retrofitting guidelines for highway bridges.” ATC 6‐2 Rep. Redwood City Calif. 118–120.
5. CalTrans Structures Design. (1981). “Hinge restrainer completed construction—Type C‐1 standard drawing.” California Dept. of Trans. Sacramento Calif.