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2. Abdel-Ghaffar A. M. and Ali H. M. (1990b). “Toward seismic isolation of cable-stayed bridges.” 6th U.S.Japan Workshop on Bridge Engrg. U.S.–Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects Lake Tahoe Nev.
3. A constitutive relation for rubber-like materials
4. Ali H. M. (1991). “Nonlinear seismic analysis of cable-stayed bridges with passive energy dissipation devices ” PhD dissertation Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Univ. of Southern California Los Angeles Calif.
5. Ali H. M. (1987). “Seismic response of base-isolated highway bridges ” master's thesis Dept. of Civ. Engrg. and Engrg. Mech. McMaster Univ. Hamilton Ontario Canada.