1. Babuska I. “The Self‐Adaptive Approach in the Finite Element Method ” The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications J. R. Whitman ed. Academic Press New York N.Y. 1976.
2. Babuska I. “A‐Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Procedures for the Finite Element Method ” Specialists Conference Institute of Physical Science and Technology University of Maryland College Park Md. 1980.
3. Babuska I. and Rheinboldt W. C. “A‐Posteriori Error Estimates for the Finite Element Method ” Technical Report TR‐581 University of Maryland College Park Md. 1977.
4. Babuska I. and Rheinboldt W. C. “A‐Posteriori Bounds and Adaptive Procedure for the Finite Element Method ” Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Science Gainesville Fla. Dec. 1978.