1. Bruy E. “Ueber den Abbau instationärer Temperaturspannungen in Betonkörpern durch Rissbildung ” dissertation presented to the Universität Stuttgart at Stuttgart Germany in Jan. 1973 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
2. Cammerer J. S. Tabellarium alter wichtigen Grässen für den Wärme‐und Kälteschutz 11th ed. Heidelberger Verlagsanstalt Heidelberg West Germany July 1973.
3. Field Measurements of Muskwa River Bridge
4. Dilger W. H. and Ghali A. “Temperature Induced Stresses in Composite Box Girder Bridges ” Department of Supply and Services Ottawa Ontario Canada Oct. 1980.
5. Duffie J. A. and Beckman W. A. Solar Energy Thermal Processes John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York N.Y. 1974.