1. Condition Assessment for Bridge Management
2. Aktan A. E. Chuntavan C. Lee K. L. and Farhey D. N. (1994). “Nondestructive testing and identification for bridge rating—Phase II: steel-stringer bridges.” Rep. No. FHWA/OH-95/021 Federal Highway Administration Washington D.C.
3. Aktan A. E. Chuntavan C. Toksoy T. and Lee K. L. (1993). “Structural identification of a steel-stringer bridge for nondestructive evaluation.” Transp. Res. Rec. 1393 National Research Council Washington D.C. 175–185.
4. Aktan A. E. Farhey D. N. and Dalal V. (1995). “Issues in rating steel-stringer bridges.” Transp. Res. Rec. 1476 National Research Council Washington D.C. 129–138.
5. Structural Identification for Condition Assessment: Experimental Arts