1. Çeçen H. “Response of Ten‐Story Reinforced Concrete Model Frames to Simulated Earthquakes ” thesis presented to the University of Illinois at Urbana Ill. in 1979 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
2. Gulkan P. and Sozen M. A. “Response and Energy Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Strong Base Motions ” Civil Engineering Studies SRS No. 377 University of Illinois Urbana Ill. May 1971.
3. Housner G. W. “Spectrum Intensities of Strong Motion Earthquake and Blast Effects on Structures ” Earthquake Engineering Institute 1952.
4. Lybas J. M. and Sozen M. A. “Effect of Beam Strength and Stiffness on Dynamic Behaviour of Renforced Concrete Coupled Walls ” Civil Engineering Studies SRS No. 444 University of Illinois Urbana Ill. July 1977.
5. Otani S. and Sozen M. A. “Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames During Earthquakes ” Civil Engineering Studies SRS No. 392 University of Illinois Urbana Ill. July 1974.